Data Everywhere, Instant GraphQL

Graphweaver shortcuts your GraphQL development by securely connecting all your data sources in one place.

Access data securely iconSecure
Merge multiple data sources iconMultiple data sources
Browse through data iconAdmin Panel
Open source code icon100% Open Source


Complete Access Control

  • Permissions assigned to roles - Give rights to roles and assign those roles to users.
  • Row Level Security - Define who can access which rows
  • Column Level Security - Only authorised users can see columns and fields.


Speed Up Development

  • Code Generator - Introspect a database and instantly create the Typescript resolvers
  • Instant GraphQL API - Connect your data sources to Graphweaver for an instant GraphQL API including filters, sorting, and pagination arguments. This API includes all the CRUD operations you would expect.


Reduces complexity, all your data in one place

  • Define your GraphQL types and resolvers using TypeScript classes
  • Leverage the power of Graphweaver's built in decorators and type annotations
  • Complete flexibility over your code and where it is deployed

Instant GraphQL

Speed Up Development

With the Graphweaver CLI tool, you can introspect a connected database and instantly create the Typescript code needed to connect. These Typescript files are then yours to extend with custom code for complete flexibility. Start the server to autogenerate your resolvers.


Code Generator

Sources can be REST API, GraphQL API, SQL databases or PostgreSQL


Autogenerate Resolvers

Don't waste time writing CRUD resolvers for your data.


Cross Source Filters

Need to filter the data? Graphweaver creates filters automatically for all the connected data sources.

How it works

Data Everywhere

Connect to ANY Data Source

We have pre-built data connectors that you can start working with straight away:

PostgreSQLMySQLRedisOpen APISalesforceGraphQLContentfulXeroMicrosoft DynamicsMailchimpEventbrite


Flexible Admin Panel

View, create, edit, and delete data from any data source. The admin panel is a React.js app that you can extend with custom pages and fields. Giving you the flexibility to customise it to any project you are working on.


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